5 ways to build your confidence muscles

You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress, simultaneously. 

Sophia Bush

Imagine what it would feel like to exude with self-confidence!   To feel good and grounded in your own skin.

We hear a lot about being confident and loving yourself but not very often do we talk about how to actually build confidence.

My transformation started when I began to focus my energy on my internal world and realised I could change my insecurities into empowerment.  I made the decision to take responsibility for building my self confidence. Through cultivating a loving relationship with myself, I inspired myself to do things that I was afraid to do and my life took a whole new direction.

Confidence is something that you, yourself, can create. Imagine where your life could go after you’ve grown the confidence muscles to do the things that you truly want to.

Here are 5 things I recommend to start building your confidence.

1. Affirmations

Affirmations have been a game changer for me. I use them every single day as part of my morning ritual. Affirmations  are positive statements that you say to yourself in front of a mirror (preferably) every single day. They help us to feel motivated and allow us to reshape our limiting beliefs and stories.

Here are some examples:

  • I am and always will be enough
  • I acknowledge my own self worth, my confidence is rising
  • I am a strong, powerful and confident human being 
  • I am a powerful creator and create a life I love
  • I am energetic and playful, confidence is my second nature

Feel free to use these and play around with them to create your own. I promise you, if you are consistent, affirmations  are life changing.

2. Dress as if you were confident

Your self confidence is strongly related to your self image which is the mental image you have for yourself in your mind.

Often when people are feeling depressed or not in a good space, they reflect those feelings in their wardrobe. A way to disrupt these feelings and even reverse them, is to dress like a confident person.

Dressing confidently will create an energy shift, with powerful knock on effects in every area of your life. You will feel empowered to take control and feel invigorated to live life more fully. Your confident energy will be reflected in your interactions with other people, and the compliments you receive will give you a boost.

So before you get dressed in the morning, ask yourself “What would would the ‘confident me’ wear today?”

3. Eliminate the need for perfection by taking action

We all fall into the perfection trap, especially us women. But when we can accept our imperfections and let go of the need to be perfect, life becomes so much more joyful. After all, perfectionism is simply inflicting pain on yourself. 

Done is better than perfect. Once you actually do something you thought you couldn’t do it actually boosts your confidence and gives you the motivation to keeping going forwards. 

No one is perfect and no one will ever be. The most important thing is to learn from every experience and do better the next time.   Successful people focus on continuously improving themselves rather than perfection, so what are you waiting for, try something new today or get that thing done today that you have been procrastinating on! 

4. Take time out for joy

It is vital to your self confidence to stop, relax and rejuvenate doing something you love.

Without time out, life can become stressful, mundane and we can stay trapped within ourselves and in negative patterns.

So create space to enrich your life, whether it is hiking in the mountains, dining with friends or reading an interesting book. Whatever it is,  make time for it and your self-confidence will thank you.

5. Hold a weekly celebration

For me this is one of the most important ones. APPRECIATE all that you are and CELEBRATE all your successes no matter how big or small.

Celebrating fills you up internally without having to seek approval from others.

It increases self-kindness and decreases self-criticism.

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.

Oprah Winfrey

Create a weekly celebration where you do something special, just for you.

It could be:

  • Going for a nice lunch
  • Buying yourself some flowers
  • Getting a massage
  • Taking an indulgent, relaxing break

…whatever a special treat is for you. At your celebration, go over the week’s events and list ALL of your achievements. Nothing is too small to celebrate.

So there you have it,  5 ways to grow your confidence muscles. Start today, have faith in yourself and watch the transformation unfold!

Join my Facebook Self love Sisterhood to be part of a sacred community of like-minded women where we share the journey together. Or if you want to have a listening ear and work on your confidence goals, let’s talk.

Lou Stokes
Verified Coach
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Lou Stokes is a style consultant from London based in Madrid. With online coaching, she helps women around the world cultivate confidence by developing their own, empowering style. Email lou@loustokes.com or visit loustokes.com to find out more or book a call with Lou right now.

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