Divorce The importance of developing self-awareness after divorce Becoming self-aware helps you heal Assia HoustonAdd comment
Emotional intelligence Getting to know your feelings to break free from their grip Why feelings can undermine your happiness Assia Houston1 comment
Emotional intelligence How to avoid the pitfalls that keep you from happiness Why life’s expectations can lead us blindly into a hole. Assia HoustonAdd comment
Divorce I’ve grieved over my divorce so why do I still feel lonely? You can beat loneliness after midlife divorce, says Assia Assia HoustonAdd comment
Purpose & fulfilment Why am I suffering from this identity crisis? Understanding the ‘why’ behind your identity crisis to help you move forward. Assia HoustonAdd comment
Purpose & fulfilment Signs that you are going through an identity crisis What's an identity crisis and how do you recognise it? Assia HoustonAdd comment