Essential business coaching tools: The value proposition statement

Creating a Value Proposition Statement is a game-changer. It’s the tool that successful businesses, big or small, use to guide their marketing communications. And as a solopreneur, you should be wielding it too. Follow our simple instructions and make use of our template; consider it your secret weapon for getting your message out there in a way that cuts through the noise, and sticks with the right people.

Why create a proposition statement?

It’s not just about what your brand does; it’s about how you communicate it to the outside world. In a crowded market, differentiation is your ticket to being remembered.

And the truth is, you won’t be remembered if you’re all things to all people. Generic messaging or chopping and changing it with the wind doesn’t get you anywhere. Differentiation is the name of the game, and consistency is everything.

Imagine your marketing message as a steady drumbeat. A Proposition Statement ensures that beat remains consistent. Your brand will be remembered this way.

Also, the last thing you want is for your audience to be confused. It’s impossible to turn a confused person into a customer.

So this is not just about conveying your brand’s value proposition to your ideal customers; it’s about making sure that message is crystal clear in every interaction.

You’re not going to use the statement itself as your marketing message. Your value proposition will be used to inform your marketing. It’s also something you can give to a copywriter as part of their brief for writing your landing pages, emails and social media content.

Remember, the more strongly your value statement resonates with your audience, the more likely you are to convert those engagements into sales.

Breaking down the components

What does a Brand Proposition Statement consist of? It’s a thoughtful composition of your brand values, tangible attributes, and benefits. The main ingredients are basically what your brand is, what it delivers, for whom, and why.

Here’s a breakdown of the components used to create the statement:

1. Your customer

Here’s where you define your target audience. For instance, “first-time mums returning to work”.

2. Differentiating feature

Identify a standout feature defining your product category as a single feature. For a coaching business, it could be “an uplifting, heavenly space to explore possibilities”. Don’t copy that by the way, it’s just an example. You’ll need to think of your own 🙂

3. The deliverable

What does your brand deliver, give or do for your target audience? Specify what your brand provides. In the coaching business example, it might be “concrete goals and the steps to achieve them”.

4. Enablement

Describe what your offering allows your customer to do, be, or feel. For instance, for the fictitious coaching business example it could be “they see a fulfilling future ahead”.

5. Reason to Believe

 Provide a provable reason behind your claim. In the coaching example, it could be “because of our proven method designed specifically for ambitious mothers”.

Crafting the statement

Take your five components and create a sentence from them as succinctly as you can. Play around with the wording and grammar until it reads as a fluid statement.

Here’s what the example components looks like as a statement:

“For first-time mums returning to work, XYZ Coaching provides a heavenly space to explore possibilities and converts them to concrete goals and the steps to achieve them, so they can see a fulfilling future ahead, all because of our proven method designed specifically for ambitious mothers.”

In marketing, brevity is brilliance. Your brand proposition statement should be succinct – a powerful snippet that you can easily use to craft resonant marketing messages. It might take a few drafts to get it right, so play around with sentence structure and grammar while ensuring the components remain intact.

Ready to have a go yourself? 

Download our Brand Propositioning Statement template and empower your brand with a clear differentiating proposition – use it to craft a message that echoes in the minds of your audience.

Free download

Get my handy template and guide to creating your value proposition statement

The backbone of your marketing

Consider the Brand Proposition Statement as the backbone of your marketing strategy. It drives all your marketing communications and interactions with potential customers. It keeps you on track, ensuring every move aligns with your brand’s value proposition.

It’s about clarity, consistency, and differentiation. So, get to work on  your brand propositioning statement and keep it in mind with everything you do to grow your business.

Gabrielle Collard
Verified Coach
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I’m a business and marketing coach from London with a passion for personal growth. If you're looking for support in developing a business, email me at

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